The Plenum of the City of Murcia has finally approved unanimously and signed an agreement between the municipality and Iberdrola aim to modernize and improve the power lines of the municipality.
The Mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, explained that the agreement has several important components, on the one hand, the modernization of the electricity network in the municipality of Murcia with the compact construction of new substations, the burying of medium and high tension in the area of El Palmar and Rectors, and the management of the entire sector occupied by the electrical substation Espinardo.
Iberdrola agrees well with the construction of all infrastructure to improve and ensure power to the municipality, now and in the future.
The Deputy Mayor of Planning and Urban Design, Fernando Berberena, has detailed that it is the creation and modernization of substations and connect them to create a ring around the city in order that if a fault can supply electricity another substation.
This ring is present in ten Spanish cities.
Also, the agreement provides for the replacement substation Espinardo a compacted, thus freeing land 10,000 square meters which will develop a special plan for the construction of offices.
Currently, the substation is 15,000 square meters Espinardo, compacted substation will occupy 5,000 square meters and another 10,000 square meters will be developed with a Special Plan.
Moreover, burying power lines and high voltage of El Palmar and Los Guiding (with 3 power lines and 14 MV).
The agreement will be signed shortly and has a lead time of 3 years.
Work could begin immediately.
Iberdrola will invest more than 60 million euros in these proceedings.
This project was initially approved in the House unanimously and, having no claims, it was finally approved today.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia