Agents of the Police Headquarters of Murcia belonging to the police station in San Andrés, have arrested a woman and a man, and Lorca Santomera neighbors, respectively, for their involvement in a crime of fraud by offering employment contracts.
To carry out the fraud, the perpetrators of the plot developed and disseminated a few pages in which they offered work as a bricklayer, electrician, plumber or chauffeur, among other trades.
These ads also inserted in some newspapers in the region.
Once potential victims captured by this method were charged 15 euros to arrange curriculum change, and then were told that those responsible for the company would contact them.
This contact, however, would never occur.
In order to receive and process these requests, the leaders of the plot available in a rented flat in a central street in Murcia, which came stakeholders and charges were made.
As was noted at the time the researchers came to this place, in the same number of people were waiting their turn to be served.
After receiving some complaints from people who had contacted the company and take the necessary steps, it was found that after these job was not undertaking any and all consisted of a plot aimed at financial gain, exploiting the situation unemployment among potential victims.
After checking all the above ends, the past led to the arrests of the two implicated as responsible for an ongoing crime of fraud.
After completing the formalities of the affidavit, were released to both the charges remained in place.
It is estimated that at least 58 people have been defrauded by this method.
Much of the money defrauded has been recovered thanks to the cooperation of the prisoner after his arrest.
Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de Murcia