The Department of Education and Staff of the City of Murcia works, as in previous years, the organization and dissemination among schoolchildren in the Municipality of the "XVII Trovo Disclosure Campaign in Schools in the Region of Murcia", organized by the Trovera Association "Jose Maria Marin" and sponsored by the Regional Assembly of the Region of Murcia.
This campaign has as its principal objective approach trovo our youth, so they can know, understand, preserve, defend and practice.
Also, the activity takes place during the months of April and May and is headed for the students of third year of primary school (5th and 6th) and first cycle of ESO 1 º and 2 º).
Also, the activity takes place in a theoretical and a practical phase.
Will involve a total of 1,171 schoolchildren from 13 schools in the municipality.
Doors at the municipal center of Castile 368 students will participate the following:
- CEIP Federico de Arce 100 pupils
- CEIP Juan XXIII 108 pupils
- Maestro José Castaño CEIP 50 pupils
- CEIP Nicolás de las Peñas 50 pupils
- CEP and S Fuensanta Our Lady of 60 pupils
Trovar means to shape popular improvised poetry.
Its foundations are based on choosing a particular idea and develop it in rhyme from the rules of Spanish poetry.
Its main ingredient is spontaneity, as is the ability to sight-read most striking characteristic of the trova.
In the eleventh century and began to speak of the early troubadours and minstrels of Provence in France.
His appearance in the Region of Murcia from the mid seventeenth century, gaining greater importance in later years, and knowing an evolution from the mine, original stage Trova to the field and the garden of Murcia, in both developed work and in pubs.
Currently, the trove of Murcia are the most important at the national level to be an amazing spectacle, vivid, unusual and original.
In the development of the "veiled Trova" or actions troubadours, the first involving repentistas pairs.
The face minstrels in competition, establishing true "dialectical disputes through improvised verses of different structure, being mainly used verses such as quatrains, limericks and tenths-spiral
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia