The deadline for submitting applications to participate in the project 'Art District' is extended until 4 May, also accepting those whose postmark date than the closing date of the call.
'Arts District' is a pioneering project in Spain which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Association of Real Estate to give business to those places that because of the crisis are inactive.
'Arts District' available to artists Murcia ten locations in the city of Murcia to develop production projects, exhibitions and artistic self, with the aim of promoting artistic and creative self, to promote emerging art projects and experiences, to disseminate art and culture in open public spaces and everyday, and encouraging citizen participation in cultural projects, knowledge of the arts and help revitalize urban centers with innovative proposals.
Spaces in the center of Murcia
It consists of ten shops, with a total of 605 square meters, located in the center of the city of Murcia (eight Boulevard Adarve Cetina and two Silver) for development projects artistic and cultural content for a period of three months.
Hours are from 10:00 hours to 20:00 hours, and the room must be open to the public at least three hours daily.
Will establish the following modalities: visual arts, performing arts, audiovisual and multimedia, crafts, design and editorial.
The selection and evaluation of projects will be handled by a committee formed specifically for the occasion, whose names will be announced after the closing date for applications.
The selection will be made public through page.
Those interested can request information at the address
Source: CARM