Starting today, April 26 until 28 will be held at the International "Sefarad in the Diaspora, 1492-2010", organized by the University of Murcia, the region and the Casa Sefarad Israel.
The inaugural lecture, entitled "Characteristics of the Sephardic Heritage" will be in charge of the fifth president of Israel, Yitzhak Navon.
Then, will be the turn of the director of the Institute for the Documentation of Judeo-Spanish culture, Avner Perez, who will speak on "500 Anyos of literary kreasión ladino."
The meeting will feature presentations on Sephardic theater in the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans, Sephardic ballads and poetry about the Holocaust, legal relations between Muslims and Jews in Al-Andalus, literature, folk medicine, geography and gastronomy, to be offered in the Archaeological Museum of Murcia.
The speakers, among whom are representatives of various associations Israeli ambassadors and directors of cultural centers related to Israel, visit the city of Lorca on Wednesday 28 April.
The Congress activities will culminate at 7 pm with a performance of Sephardic music group Sirma at the Casino de Murcia.
The attendance of students at the University of Murcia to these acts calculated to obtain credit after filing a report.
Source: Universidad de Murcia