The Councillor for Youth and Employment, María Dolores Sánchez, closed this morning the I week of Arts and Letters held at the IES El Carmen.
Students have been enjoying, from 15 to 23 April on film activities as diverse as astronomy, theater, music and art.
They have also participated in two program activities NETWORKS for Recreation, the Department of Youth, in a graffiti workshop and a cajón.
María Dolores Sánchez emphasized the importance of this week's Letters and Arts, and has encouraged students and teachers to continue working to carry out such initiatives.
In addition, the mayor pointed out that the City has a wide range of youth activities such as network programming, youth exchanges, summer camps, language stay in the UK and the Language Club.
It has also highlighted the importance of Creajoven event, where young artists display their art in eleven different disciplines.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia