The Deputy Mayor for Social Welfare Policy and Equality, María del Carmen Pelegrin says ignore the real reason why the president of the center over Barriomar-La Purisma has said that the City Council of Murcia ninguneo not discriminate or anyone, in fact, "all senior centers in the municipality of Murcia are treated equally by the City"
On the transfer of outpatient space was closed, Pelegrin said that there have been granted because the goal is to expand the service day center, by increasing the seats on offer.
Pelegrin says it is true that there has been a delay in the delivery of subsidies, but that has not only happened with the center of Barriomar-La Purisima, but with every part of the municipality.
For his part, President of the Municipal Board, Manuel Muñoz, expressed his astonishment at hearing the statements made by the president of the center for the elderly, because "they have always been very good relations, so I do not understand this now like attitude ".
Manuel Muñoz has also pointed to the senior center is more collective financial contribution received from the Municipal Board.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia