The special service launched by the City and grass to cleaning the city after the Burial of the Sardine managed to collect 16,700 kilograms of waste throughout the course of the last show of the Spring Festival.
The working groups began the cleanup from the area Infante Juan Manuel, where the parade began, making the entire journey and reaching Plaza Martínez Tornel.
At dawn, four groups worked on cleaning the streets and squares of the city center.
The deployment had a special enforcement zones planned for the bars where they made the sweep and wash down the streets located in these areas of bars downtown.
Sunday was cleaning up the crash in the middle of the city in addition to regular cleaning services for gardens and containers review of points and areas of greatest pedestrian traffic.
180 workers undertook these tasks using 67 machines among sweepers, flushers driveways and sidewalks, collectors, box trucks, etc.
and 146 portable toilets scattered around the different locations (on the tour, places and areas of influx of citizens).
During this week we are performing tasks of scrubbing and pressure water cleaning of sidewalks, pedestrian areas and corners using degreasers, disinfectants and deodorizers to recover one hundred per cent the normal level of cleanliness of the city.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia