The Mayor has declared three days of official mourning in the city
The Popular Party councilor in the city of Murcia Remigio López Martínez died this morning.
His remains have been moved to Rainbow Funeral and burial will take place tomorrow Wednesday at 11.30 pm in the Parish Church of El Palmar, a town where he was born in October 1941 where he lived.
He was married to Maria del Pilar Frese and the father of three daughters.
Remigio Lopez played in the current delegation of Prevention and Fire Fighting, Civil Defence and Development Cooperation.
Councillor since 1999, in his first term was responsible for the area of Commerce.
The Mayor has declared three days of official mourning in the city, during which flags will fly at half mast on municipal buildings.
Beloved person close treatment and the disappearance of Remigio Lopez has made a profound devastation in the Municipal People's Party Group and the City.
The Mayor, Miguel Ángel Cámara, who Remigio Lopez maintained a close relationship, has conveyed his condolences to the family both personally and in his capacity as Mayor of the city.
Remigio Lopez always felt proud to be from Murcia and be a resident of the hamlet of El Palmar.
Before beginning his political career in the city of Murcia, and also during the 11 years he has held various responsibilities as a councilor of the government team, Lopez maintained in a permanent relationship with the company Murcia, especially through sport and parties.
Real Murcia huerta rocks and sardine group also will miss him and notice his absence from now on.
Murcia precisely its commitment earned him numerous awards.
Town Crier in various neighborhoods and districts-Santa Eulalia, this year, and Bath & Pauper in 2002, to cite just two examples, in 2009 was distinguished as Honorary Cabezudo Burial of the Sardine, and February 7 received Gold Legon Huerta de Murcia awarded by the Federation of Peñas vegetable garden.
Extensive professional
In 1958 he joined the administrative staffing Catalan-West Asepeyo and Medical Welfare Union and his delegation of Murcia.
At 19 he was appointed Head Office of this company, a position he held until June 1963.
That year he moved to Bata-(Rio Muni) in the former Spanish colony of Equatorial Guinea, where he took charge of a company in the sector of public passenger transport, specifically in the African transport firm, a position he held until 1969.
In April 1969, later joined Areo Feu, as Head of the Accounting Department and later took charge of the Commercial Division until 1980, when he began his career in the Spanish Society of Industrial Security (Sesisa).
He was recently named an honorary member of Tecnifuego-Aespi, employers in the sector.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia