Volunteers handed out garbage bags tomorrow between people who are in the green areas
Youth volunteers will work tomorrow, the Bando de la Huerta, in the campaign 'Acho, the Bando we pick among all' with the aim of raising awareness among people who are in the gardens of the need to keep them clean.
Murcia City Council, through the Department of Environment and Urban Quality directed by Adela Martinez-cache, and the Department of Youth and Employment, headed María Dolores Sánchez, has launched this initiative, which through its slogan 'A Murcia no mess, let him tó apañao' aims to get the care and cleaning of green areas of the capital on the side.
This campaign is especially aimed at young people, aged between 14 and 30, with the aim of raising awareness around the importance of collective civic behavior and respectful of the city on the side.
Also, the initiative also wants to recruit volunteers from the public to ensure the care of green areas of Murcia during the feast of Bando.
Young volunteers will leave tomorrow, April 6, at 1230 hours of University Square, and tour until 1700 hours, the gardens of the Constitution, Powder Garden, Garden Silk Garden Fofó & Garden of Fame.
The council Adela Martinez-Cache and María Dolores Sánchez participate in the initiative.
Young people take some shirts with the slogan of the campaign, so that capture attention and are easily recognizable among the other people.
Volunteers handed out plates between youth groups to fill the gardens and garbage bags.
To enter fully into the world of young people have used their own language.
Also, a month ago has been launched on the Internet to disseminate information and that young people will join this initiative.
It has created its own profile on Facebook to attract target audience.
Www.achoestebandolorecogemosentretodos.com Website
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia