Improving quality of life for our elderly remains a priority for the Department of Social Welfare, which runs María del Carmen Pelegrin.
It continues by providing for the Day Care Centers of resources needed for its operation.
The City Council approved the hiring of socio activities in the Municipal Day Care Centre Cabezo de Torres, amounting to 971,411 euros for a period of two years and two more in overtime.
The center, opened in 2008, is the third of these features that has launched the government team, after Barriomar open in 2001, and Beniaján in 2005.
Besides the initial investment of 956,275 euros (693,000 euros and 262,000 in construction equipment), the operating budget of approximately a year of this center is 420,000 euros.
It serves as an open-assisted older people day and night come to their homes.
Operating hours are from 8 to 20.30 and has 30 seats.
Center users are over age 60 who are in situations of physical and / or psychological moderate and have a family and inadequate social support.
These are people who live with their own families, which are an important social support in this resource.
The care provided is individualized and comprehensive: it focuses on all facets of the dependent elderly person can identify weaknesses: personal hygiene, food, health care, rehabilitation, social integration and psychological support.
This service has a preventive and rehabilitative component important for the older person, while care is support and discharge their
It also provides food and nutrition services, transportation, bathing, medical, psychological therapy, physiotherapy, care
social and family support and intervention.
The center has approximately 1,000 square meters, large enough to satisfy all user needs.
The units, spread over one floor, including offices of doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and monitors, along with sitting room, rooms for occupational therapy and physiotherapy activities, dining, kitchen, laundry and ironing.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia