The President of the Autonomous Community, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, announced today that the autonomous region will be applying in person to the ongoing case in the High Court of Madrid has declared admissible the application for withdrawal of the Christ of Monteagudo.
Valcárcel reiterated that the regional government "preserve and bring it to the ultimate consequences," the defense of Christ, and was emphatic in saying that "this Government will oppose the dismantling the weapons we have, which are none other than the law under attend. "
The Chief Executive said Murcia, as he said in his appearance in the Regional Assembly and other forums that "I prefer to be judged by courts to defend something that I think of justice, to maintain an attitude of rejection of any intention to remove the Christ the castle of Monteagudo, rather than judge me for not defending the people something to think deeply. "
The regional government is joining the initiative undertaken by the city of Murcia and the Association "Lawyers for the Rights and Culture 'who oppose the removal of the sculpture of the Sacred Heart, located in the hamlet of Monteagudo in Murcia.
The president recalled that in 2004 the regional government declared a Cultural Monteagudo area Torres-Head, which features historic site.
Source: CARM