PSOE Councilman Alfonso Navarro, echoing the concerns of the citizens of both districts, today introduced an alternative motion calling on the one hand, the Ministry of Interior to expedite the procedures for the construction of a new headquarters of the guard Torreagüera civil, and asking the City Council, on the other hand, you agree to immediately start the construction of the office in Javalí Viejo, promised four years ago
The municipal PP has happened again roll to the proposals put forward by the Socialist Group voting against the alternative motion filed by the mayor Alfonso Navarro, after hearing the concerns of the residents of the hamlets of Old Javalí Torreagüera and, now have moved to La Glorieta for claiming a civil guard barracks and a doctor in their villages.
Thus, Navarro has urged the Ministry of Interior to ensure that as soon as possible, and addressing a priority, as has been done so far, enough to cover human resources to the headquarters of Torreagüera, expedite the proceedings leading to the construction.
In the same motion Alternatively, the PSOE mayor has asked the City Council of Murcia to commit to initiate, immediately, the medical office building Javalí Viejo, neighbors promised four years ago.
Source: PSOE Murcia