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Sources: "The Torreagüera neighbors for over two years awaiting the construction of the Civil Guard barracks" (22/03/2010)

The Municipal People's Party will return next Thursday at the Full Council to require the construction of the Civil Guard barracks in Torreagüera.

Nuria Fuentes spokeswoman "We did our job two years ago when, in May 2008 by the Governing Board approve the loan for a municipal plot of almost 3,000 square meters. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior has not even begun work ".

Remember that this HQ would replace the existing service would Torreagüera and also at the Ramos and Beniaján.

The location of the municipal plot in the area called Montegrande, is considered particularly appropriate, given its proximity to the secondary school.

This is a site located in a commercial area that is already fully urbanized.

The land, valued at 972,000 euros, has the area needed to accommodate the security services able to address sufficiently the needs of the residents of three villages.

That is why the mayor Sources explain that "this demonstrates the lack of interest by the Ministry of Interior to tackle once and for all the construction of the Civil Guard barracks."

"We will not allow the protocol signed in November 2007 for the building of this headquarters will remain a mere declaration of intent. It is time that the Socialist Government to meet its obligations to the safety of Murcia."

Already in the municipal plenary October 2008, the Municipal People's Party adopted a motion urging the National Government to carry out the construction "of an imminent Torreagüera Barracks"

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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