"The unfair and irrational proposed ordinance by the city of Murcia on the use of bicycles in the city, represents a major step backwards in the already ambitious and moth-eaten little mobility policy of the consistory.
The ordinance indicates that he has written has not circulated in the town by bicycle as a transportation to go to work, school, public institutions, recreational centers, parks and gardens, libraries ... Neither has suffered security problems in its use.
Once again, Mayor Miguel Angel House has put on the table a real commitment to the environment and the citizens of the municipality, through the announcement of an irrational and abusive Ordinance cycling in Murcia, presented by Councilwoman Security and Traffic, Nuria Fuentes, and the Urban Environment and Quality, Adela Martinez-Cache last week.
In addition, much of the bicycle users have no other means of transport, or resources to use the disaster, inefficient and expensive public transport in the municipality, which certainly requires a restructuring and urgent review of tariffs.
Meanwhile, in the new roads built or under construction there are no bike lanes, and almost no sidewalks.
Should also review the location of many of the bike parking installed in the municipality, not excessive and unnecessary use of distance to places of affluence, for occupation by motorcycles, by being too hidden ...
First called attention to the insufficient period of 10 days to submit comments in a text written abusive unilaterally with little accuracy.
Estas prisas innecesarias sólo sirven para limitar la participación pública, cuando esta norma debería buscar el máximo consenso social para ser eficaz.
These unnecessary haste only serve to limit public participation, when this standard should seek the maximum social consensus to be effective.
In practice, its implementation would be nothing short of criminalizing the use of bicycles as a means of transportation in the village, something unusual in a European City of the XXI century, in a struggle against global warming and air pollution.
Más aún si se tiene en cuenta que contradice la abundante “propaganda verde†del consistorio.
Moreover if one takes into account that contradicts the abundant green hype of the consistory.
In the municipality of Murcia is the vehicle that dominates the car, and generally occupied by one person.
Cada año 16.000 españoles mueren prematuramente debido a la contaminación del aire que respiramos
Air pollution in cities is mainly the result of motor vehicles.
Air pollution affects the health of all citizens but especially the most sensitive (children, elderly, pregnant women, patients with asthma, bronchitis, cardiovascular disease ...).
En términos económicos, la contaminación del aire provoca un
In economic terms, air pollution causes
gasto sanitario de 16.839 millones de euros anuales
health expenditure of 16.839 million euros annually
al estado español.
the Spanish state.
Todo esto sin contar con los múltiples problemas de salud que produce el ruido en las ciudades, provocado principalmente por el tráfico motorizado y las obras.
All this without having multiple health problems that produce noise in cities, caused mainly by motor traffic and construction.
, 16.488 heridos graves y 114.459 heridos leves.
In 2008 there were a total of 93,161 accidents with injuries, leaving a total of 3,100
16,488 seriously injured and 114,459 slightly injured.
Más de la mitad de estos accidentes se producen en zona urbana
Además son los accidentes que menos han reducido el número de víctimas mortales en el periodo 2003-2008 (en carretera un 45%, mientras en zona urbana sólo un 31%).
They are also less accidents have reduced the number of fatalities in the period 2003-2008 (on the road by 45% while in urban areas only 31%).
It is also significant that
los accidentes de tráfico en zona urbana
The private car is the one that produces the majority of pedestrian casualties, with more serious injuries from cars off-road, increasing the likelihood of death.
También son los más contaminantes.
They are also the most polluting.
Contrary to what was intentionally wants to believe, the bike is a negligible risk to pedestrians over motor vehicles, both in number and severity of accidents.
En cambio el beneficio que supone para el conjunto de la sociedad es evidente.
In contrast, the benefits for the whole of society is evident.
The undersigned organizations call:
Que se refleje en la ordenanza la multitud de correcciones que se han enviado por parte de diferentes colectivos a través de las alegaciones presentadas, y se elimine de su articulado las obligaciones y prohibiciones abusivas denunciadas.
That is reflected in the ordinance the many corrections that have been sent by different groups through the submissions, and is removed from its provisions the obligations and prohibitions alleged abuses.
Que el texto que surja después de esta primera tanda de alegaciones por parte de colectivos, sea expuesto a información pública por espacio mínimo de un mes, para permitir la participación de todos los ciudadanos, incentivándose la misma con una difusión adecuada.
That the text provided after the first round of allegations by the collective, be exposed to public information minimum of one month to allow the participation of all citizens, encouraging it with the proper.
Que la ordenanza que se proponga definitivamente esté concebida para incentivar el uso de la bici, compatibilizando el uso compartido de las aceras con el peatón, y con un carácter correctivo, pero no abusivo, de las sanciones para aquellos que muestren actitudes incívicas o de riesgo.
That the proposed ordinance is definitely designed to encourage bike use, combining sharing the sidewalks with pedestrians, and a remedial, but not abusive, the penalties for those who show uncivil or risk attitudes .
Que en la persecución de las actitudes incívicas de todo tipo de usuarios, se haga especial hincapié en los que más problemas provocan a la comunidad: los coches y motos.
That the pursuit of uncivil attitudes of all types of users, with particular emphasis on those who cause more problems to the community: cars and motorcycles.
Fomentando siempre el respeto entre todos los tipos de usuarios de la vía pública.
Always encouraging respect among all types of road users.
La urgente reestructuración del transporte público del municipio y la revisión de las elevadas tarifas actuales, fomentando la intermodalidad.
The urgent restructuring of public transport in the municipality and the revision of the current high tariffs, promoting intermodality.
La inversión en campañas de concienciación al ciudadano para incentivar el transporte público y los transportes no motorizados como la bici, patines, a pie, etc.
Investment in awareness campaigns to encourage citizens to public transport and non-motorized transport such as bike, skate, ski, etc.
Inversión en campañas de educación vial para todos los usuarios (peatones, ciclistas, motoristas, automovilistas…), fomentando el respeto entre los distintos tipos de usuarios, y priorizando los derechos de los más desfavorecidos: los peatones."
Investment in education campaigns for all road users (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, drivers ...), promoting respect between the different types of users, and prioritizing the rights of the disadvantaged: the pedestrians. "
Asociación Oficina Verde de la Universidad de Murcia
Association Green Office of the University of Murcia
Foro Ciudadano
Citizen Forum
Source: Ecologistas en Acción