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The editor of the University of Murcia published two books in his library EDITUM Gaia (17/03/2010)

"Environmental Sustainability in the Region of Murcia", coordinated by Julia Martinez and Miguel Angel Esteve, and "The social dimension of wildlife conservation: the tortoise, Irene Perez, Andres Gimenez and Andres Pedroza, are the new titles published the editor of the University of Murcia in our collection of Gaia EDITUM.

This collection is dedicated to the study of environment and natural resources, addressing problems such as pollution, desertification and climate change.

The two books will be presented tomorrow, day 18, at 11:00 pm in the Board of Degrees in the Faculty of Biology, an act which will chair the rector of International Relations and Communication, Maria Angeles Esteban.

Source: UMU

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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