Murcia UI reissued "The Voice of the Left", a newsletter that was edited until 2003 by the municipal group, with an initial circulation of 10,000 copies will be distributed color across the municipality.
This was announced today at a press conference Councilwoman IU + LV in Murcia, Esther Herguedas, accompanied by the coordinator of the Presidency of the formation of the left in the city of Murcia, Ignacio Tornel.
Herguedas explained that the goal of UI is to transform the magazine into an instrument of information on current issues and political activity, which will also report on future acts of the organization.
He indicated that the publication also hosts a section of opinion in which citizens can shape their views on municipal issues and noted that the "plurality" is necessary to "improve the quality of democracy."
The first issue of the newsletter includes, among other things, information on the reform of public pension system, environment, urban planning, culture and women, as well as an editorial in the magazine that presents Herguedas.
Copies of each issue is distributed bimonthly to members of the militancy of IU, and will also be at the tables to collect signatures against the pension reform that will install the training from 18 March.
Source: IU Murcia