Unión Progreso y Democracia is concerned about the situation and the future site of San Esteban.
The Session aims at a new blueprint to build a large plaza with gardens and Arab ruins cover a glass surface, and the creation of a museum, library and cafeteria.
Is expected to be exposed to competition after the summer.
Therefore, UPyD requires the City Council to attend the first duties at St. Stephen "before sitting down to make drafts, the first thing is to properly protect the excavation and prevent damage" as spokesman says the local party Anabel Diaz.
But here is where we enter the bureaucratic red tape, because no one is responsible for the site, nor Autonomous Region or Municipality.
It would be interesting to see more commitment from the mayor to save the archaeological remains, and more attention to the care of all the architectural heritage of Murcia.
Source: UPyD Región de Murcia