Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The Congress will have a discount card to buy in the shops of downtown (03/02/2010)

Congressmen visiting Murcia will have a discount card to buy in the shops of downtown.

The Convention Bureau of the Department of Tourism and Murcia Centro Comercial Area Association signed an agreement with the objective of providing benefits to members of Congress and at the same time encourage sales.

The merchants of this association are particularly keen to promote retail trade in Murcia, and together with the Convention Bureau will work to bring the Congress to traditional trade.

The Convention Bureau will create the image of this campaign, as well as drawings, cards and name plates for those businesses that participate in the campaign.

Also, distribute the cards among all conference participants to work in the Bureau.

Shops belonging to the agreed discount program made all conference participants upon request, by submitting the official card.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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