Portal de Murcia


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Over 125,000 people visit the exhibition Alfonso X (01/02/2010)

Alfonso X The exhibition, which closed its doors yesterday, received a total of 127,680 visitors since it opened last October 27 its doors.

The exhibition was organized by the regional government, the city of Murcia and Caja Mediterráneo and wanted to learn more about the figure of Alfonso X and the culture of his time.

The Director of Fine Arts and Cultural Assets Ujaldón Enrique was pleased by the success of public and said "the interest the show has attracted, not only between Murcia, but outside the region.

During the last month the average visitor has been almost 2,000 a day and last weekend we had long lines. "

Ujaldón also said that "the Region of Murcia is being able to organize large sporting and cultural events of very different genre and will continue in this line to place as a cultural reference Murcia in Spain, when done with quality, Murcia respond" .

The exhibition featured over 250 pieces exhibition organized in 180 units, most of them considered masterpieces of Spanish and European medieval art.

These pieces set the example of one of the brightest phases of art and Hispanic culture and its relationship with the Islamic world and the Christian kingdoms of Europe.

One of the highlights was the sample for the first time succeeded in uniting the four copies of the Cantigas de Santa Maria, and almost all the Scriptorium Alfonsi.

The exhibition was also visited by a total of 171 schools in the Murcia Region and other provinces such as Almería, Jaén, Alicante and Albacete.

They also visited the exhibition featured a number of foreigners from the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, United States, Canada and other countries.

Source: CARM

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