"Palliative care rescue life at the end of life, looking for that glimmer of life left, just allow to close the history of life on a set of patients who have so far seen little more than death," said director Hospital Care Care Center Laguna (Madrid), Javier Rocafort, during the Second Conference on Bioethics which began yesterday at the Catholic University of Murcia, which ends tomorrow.
'The end of life and its true meaning' and 'Tools of Bioethics', were the main topics on which experts have lectured during the day today.
Javier Rocafort said palliative care is the most appropriate form of treatment for advanced and terminal illness.
"They are effective and efficient from a clinical perspective, and also very desirable from a humanistic perspective."
Palliative Care also spoke the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Valencia, Germain Cerda, who said that palliative care "are able to help patients cope with vulnerability, face suffering and provide care according to the dignity of the sick person, it will further increase the autonomy of the patient. "
The lecturer also stressed that "hide the death, the medicalization and got from our homes with the idea of keeping it away from our lives," he said.
For his part, member of the Advisory Committee on Ethics of the Canary Islands, Francisco José Ramiro, announced the project of bioethics in social networks 'Bioéticaweb', an initiative that came with the objective of providing information and promoting dialogue bioethical topics.
Then, Professor of Anthropology and Education at the Catholic University of Valencia, María Consuelo Garrido Thomas and gave a lecture 'The feelings and emotional life through film. "
For the rapporteur, "the affective dimension is presented with particular relevance in today's world to such an extent that in the twenty-first century cultural context, could become the gateway to the truth," adding that "in this context, cinematographic art is an instrument capable of provoking feelings that subsequently lead to intellectual positions. "
It should be noted that during the day in the afternoon, the students of Master's Degree in Bioethics at the UCAM, will present their final year
Source: UCAM