PSOE Councilman Jose Zapata reported that next year the PSOE will start a publicity campaign and awareness of the usefulness of the Boards to highlight that, if applied current legislation on citizen participation, they could be an instrument to tackle changing economic model essential to overcome the current crisis.
Socialist Councilman Jose Zapata announced today at a press conference that since the Municipal Boards, the Socialists are going to demand the convening of a special debate on the status and investment needs of the villages and districts of the municipality.
Zapata also reported that earlier this year, the PSOE will launch an information campaign and awareness of the usefulness of the Municipal Boards, pointing out that if by applying the existing rules governing participation, the Boards could be an instrument more to tackle the economic paradigm shift necessary to overcome the current crisis.
Proximity government
According to the socialist mayor, the proximity of the municipal boards can be an instrument to promote employment and the new economy.
"We in the vicinity of government and administration of public funds with neighbors, we understand that a thorough analysis of the powers of the governments of the districts and districts with a budget consistent with the same, the Municipal Boards could play an important role in this time of transition to a new economic model, as they did in the 70's and 80 neighborhood associations. "
Budget assessment districts and neighborhoods
Moreover, and in relation to the proposed municipal budget for 2010 aimed at PP districts and neighborhoods is identical to 2009.
"It's an outrage that this budget is approved and to avoid spending more than 80 percent of it, as has been done in this fiscal year through the 'recommendation' that the council gave Decentralization presidents, secretaries and administrators Boards Municipal, as publicly acknowledged as a full court to block parts and chapters administratively for Boards when they has spent 70% in some cases and in others 85% of the total budget, "he complained Zapata.
To comply - has pointed out, the Regulations for Citizen Participation and Districts in force, this budget monotonous and lacking in specificity centralized and lacks participation 19, 6 million euros, should be used for the management of municipal boards 36 million in euros instead of 16.4; or what is, should be allocated 8% of the municipal budget to direct management by the districts as provided for in that regulation, rather than the current 3.6 %.
Therefore the local PSOE has begun in each Municipal Council of neighborhoods and districts and the Municipality of Murcia a campaign to collect the investment needs as a basis for amendments to the municipal budget, which served for the presentation of amendments to regional budgets and give rise to a debate in January in every hamlet and neighborhood.
Source: PSOE de Murcia