The regional coordinator of IU, José Antonio Pujante, today called for the resignation of Minister of Culture, Pedro Alberto Cruz, and director of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage, Enrique Ujaldón, by the "contradictions" in which they have incurred in recent days on the future site of San Esteban.
Thriving has ensured that both have expressed support for the engineer's report that advocated the dismantling of the archaeological remains and the construction of an underground garage in the garden, until yesterday, the president of the Community, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, declined that option.
He indicated that citizen action has been determined to change my mind Valcárcel on the status of the site, and for the regional government "obvious" now the engineer's report and "it appears that the construction of parking was not with the People's Party" .
"The biggest proponents of the dismantling of the remains, in reference to Valcárcel and the Mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara-become the greatest detractors as if nothing had happened here, in a cynical exercise that requires an explanation," he added the leftist leader.
It also noted that Henry Ujaldón and Pedro Alberto Cruz, who said that "the speech of the citizens' movement has been contradictory and schizophrenic" have shown "an arrogant and contemptuous attitude towards how we pointed out the impossibility of the project."
Source: IURM