The Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the Region of Murcia, Murcia colleague wants to show their support for the complaint filed by the union AlternativaRTVE on a homophobic and sexist actions by the leadership of RTVE Territorial Centre in Murcia .
According to the evidence of the union, a bulletin board used by the management center was full of posters with the photo collage that was made fun of homosexuality using the magazine cover ZERO retouched as well as showing great contempt for women with offensive and sexist messages.
MURCIA colleague a few days ago received the information from the union on these insults AlternativaRTVE as sexist, homophobic both within the territorial center of RTVE in Murcia, this complaint has been forwarded by the union to the general direction RTVE getting a negative reply, they will not to do anything to punish those responsible.
"From COLLEAGUE-MURCIA believe that one should not tolerate such insults within a workplace, and less in a public school funded by the Spanish people and Spanish as the Territorial Centre of RTVE in Murcia. This kind of joke humiliating insults women and homosexuals and go directly against the dignity of people, "Jhon said Girón-MURCIA COLLEAGUE president.
COLLEAGUE-MURCIA Since we want to resolve this situation, to stop such insults.
Intolerable that we normally accept such attitudes without receiving any punishment of any kind from the direction of RTVE.