The conference will be repeated in order to promote cycling as an alternative method of travel.
The Department of Environment and Urban Quality and the Local Agency for Energy and Climate Change Murcia (ALEM) today held two workshops (morning and evening) free, with expert instructors come from London, to teach interested persons circular bike safely on the road using the most modern methods of learning.
The course has a theoretical part, which is held at the headquarters of German and practices on public roads with real traffic.
In the workshop this morning has participated Councilman Urban Environment and Quality, Adela Martinez-cache, and different groups that are part of the Working Group of the Bicycle and Local Agenda 21, as well as how the City Council.
The program for cycling safely is part of a learning process currently being followed thousands of young people in countries like Britain, Denmark, Holland and Belgium.
The objective of this initiative is to introduce the most modern methods of road safety education for bikers that are being implemented with notable success in several European countries, where the number of urban cyclists is increasing significantly in recent years .
Also, it promotes cycling as an alternative method of travel.
Attendees have been cycling some of the exercises that make up the training program, and have had the opportunity to experience first hand, with professional instructors, the courses they have performed thousands of young Europeans.
This technical workshop on safe cycling movement is part of the commitment of the City of Murcia and promote cycling in the city and to ensure the best conditions of safety for bicycle users in our town, as the number People who choose to travel by bicycle is increasing.
ALEM Environment and return to this course so that they can form all stakeholders.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia