"The psychologist should be a cornerstone in all schools because it is the trained person-within the scientific rigor to evaluate, diagnose, intervene and treat human behavior professionally."
This is how it ended his speech the Deputy Mayor for Education and Personal, Megía Pilar, who has participated this morning at the opening of the Conference on Psychological Perspective of School Conflict, organized by the College of Psychologists in the Region of Murcia .
Megía stressed that local councils, although they have no explicit responsibility in this matter, must assume an active role in treating and solving the problem of school violence from four essential because it is the government closest to citizens.
"These key points, highlighted Megía are awareness, prevention, coordination and social support."
School violence is a social phenomenon that has a direct relationship with the social environment in which it falls, which can cause it, while they may be influenced by it.
Another aspect that has highlighted the responsibility for education has been the complexity to identify the violence through the humiliation, insult, disqualification, segregation or terror.
The conference will take place between today and tomorrow in the Assembly Hall of the Archaeological Museum of Murcia.
The papers tomorrow will be:
Treatment with CIP Program intervention in bullying situations
Intervention program in school settings in cases of impulsive aggression.
Actions to influence the social aspects involved in school conflicts hands of the department head of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia