The Municipal People's Party has presented to the plenary of the Corporation an alternative motion on the School Program 2.0, which highlights the need for the Ministry of Education to fulfill its promise to fund 50% of the implementation of that program.
The alternative motion of the popular local group has been approved by Parliament, with votes against the socialist group with the abstention of IU-LV.
The Deputy Mayor of Education and Personal, Pilar Megía, has argued in his motion that the Ministry of Education should be sensitive to the real needs of pupils in the municipality of Murcia, and it should adapt the implementation of the Program Agreement School 2.0 in the real situation of schools in the Region of Murcia, at the same time he has said he must ensure the achievement of its objectives and success.
The motion also set forth the call to the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Region to continue with the talks with the Ministry of Education to carry out the agreement signing and implementation of that program, a program must meet the needs of schoolchildren in the region.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia