The answer should be given to children with developmental disorders or are in danger of suffering is the central theme of the Second Conference Interdisciplinary Early Childhood to be held on 26 and 27 November at the Community Center University of Murcia, Campus de Espinardo.
The meeting, which will involve about four university professors and other specialists, will also provide care for the families of these children and the environment in which they live.
Days pay special attention to new problems that appear in these children as a result of the changes that society is undergoing worldwide.
These changes and emerging problems are a result of new social organizations, families consisting of members of different races and cultures, internationally adopted children and infants who have survived thanks to new technologies, among others.
The organization, which collaborates with the University of Murcia, is provided by the Board on Disability of the Autonomous Community and the Association of Early Childhood Professionals of Murcia, among others.
Source: Universidad de Murcia