Paulão, CB Murcia was very close to victory in Badalona ...
Yes, indeed.
I think it was the best match with an option to win from the start.
The team is proving it is another way, the good now.
What do you think has changed on your computer?
Alicante after the match, we saw that we could not continue, because if we lose 40 against a team like Alicante, we lose 60-50 against Caja Laboral, Barcelona ... We knew we were on the wrong path and we had to change and .
I believe that there has been a lot.
Is it meaningful for you not to leave the owner?
No, for me it is significant that the team wins and I can play minutes, not hold or exit the bank.
I always try to be intense, but the holder to me is not important.
Does it help to leave more relaxed not to do so many mistakes?
Yes, indeed, I think I have are 9 games in the league, where I've seen referees go and stuff.
The output also from the bench, makes me calmer.
See how is the party, which allow and what not ... more contact, less contact, depends on the referees.
Did you understand the decision Moncho playing with the most committed?
Yes, indeed.
We have seen that from now on, who does not compete, can not play in this league.
Who does not defend, can not play in this league.
We can not live the attack, we are a team we have to fight the forty minutes on defense.
Do you think the hardest thing now will be to maintain the collective level?
No, I do not think, I think we're on the right track and that this is the way forward.
We lost in Badalona and not useful for anything, but to us to prove we can win anywhere.
I believe we can continue like this season.
Now Playing two games in a row at the Palace, to be sure ...
Yes, indeed.
I think they are two very important games, we have to win, because they are at home and I think we can get.
Source: CB Murcia