This office and the Quality of the San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia have been recognized by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification, AENOR, based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008.
The System Monitoring Audit of Quality Management was conducted last July by obtaining an internationally recognized conformity assessment.
The quality director of the Catholic University, Manuel C.
Ruiz González, expressed her satisfaction at getting the issue of the certificate.
"This type of survey corroborate and support the work firmly and UCAM rigorous, in order to achieve quality and excellence in their teaching, as the basis of their educational projects."
Obtaining System Certificate of Quality Management has been in the time that the UCAM is immersed in the design of System Internal Quality Assurance of all his official titles (AUDIT program of the National Quality Agency ( ANECA)), with the aim of becoming a reference within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
UCAM has been one of the top Spanish universities to adapt their Bachelor and Master studies at the European Higher Education Area.
Currently the University offers 17 degrees ANECA evaluated and verified by the University Coordination Council.
Another four new degrees are being evaluated by ANECA.
With regard to postgraduate studies, the UCAM is developing 26 Master's Degree programs officer who also have been sent to the ANECA and the Coordination Council for verification of which 16 of them are related to a doctoral program
Source: UCAM