Scientists at the University of Waterloo (Canada) have succeeded in creating an ophthalmoscope prototype that detects changes that occur in the retina with age and is based on an earlier discovery made in the Optics Laboratory of the University of Murcia.
This prototype is an improved version of that developed in that laboratory and the research that has culminated in their achievement have been supervised by Professor of the University of Murcia Juan Manuel well, a pioneer in this scientific activity.
This new ophthalmoscope allows, among other improvements, a faster recording of images and more flexibility in choosing both the retinal area to be studied as in size.
Commercial ophthalmoscopes that currently has in hospitals and private clinics are very limited in terms of performance, since its purpose is basically pictures of the retina that provide information on certain types of diseases.
However, there are diseases whose existence can not be determined until they are at an advanced stage, in which, sometimes, we can backtrack.
Source: Universidad de Murcia