La Sala "Nicholas Almansa" Museum of the University of Murcia, located in the Old Artillery Barracks, is hosting the exhibition-tribute to the painter José García Espinosa, whose inauguration was presided by the rector of the institution, José Antonio Cobacho.
García Espinosa's work, as the rector in the exhibition catalog, "is the referent of a hyper sometimes fantastic, sometimes surreal, dreamlike or manners" and the color gives the message to their tables.
The peculiarity of the way of interpretation of this artist, born in Callosa de Segura (Alicante), but making algezareño reaches its zenith in his portraits, with or without a face.
The universality and acceptance of this form of interpretation is confirmed by the numerous awards it won, many of them in Brazil, where he settled in the fifties.
The opening ceremony was attended by relatives of the honoree, who died last year, and the curator of the exhibition, the staff of the University of Murcia Antonio Labaña.
Source: Universidad de Murcia. Foto: Luis Urbina