Funds from public libraries will be expanded with the acquisition of more than 6,700 units of books, movies and CD's to offer new titles to consumers.
Specifically, the City will purchase 2,242 books, 1,238 CDs and 3,271 DVDs CDROM'sy for the Network of Municipal Libraries.
The investment made by the City Council is de120.000 euros.
The Board of Governors approved the specifications for the procurement of supplies of these materials.
These 6,700 books, CDs and DVDs in addition to the thousand of books acquired by the Department of Culture and European Programmes, directed Fátima Barnuevo last month to extend the funding of municipal libraries.
The municipality has 15 libraries and reading room are located at: Beniaján, Javalí New River Segura, the head of Torres, La Alberca, San Basilio, Pelagius Ferrer (El Palmar), La Nora, Depth, El Carmen, Bacons Bridge, El Raal, Espinardo, Sangonera the green, Guadalupe and Fame.
The works to be procured are intended for all audiences to promote reading habit among the population and increase relations between citizens and municipal libraries.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia