Murcia City Council improve and strengthen health care services to the immigrant population, benefiting 45,000 people with immigrants to the municipality.
The Governing Board approved accepting a grant of 630,000 euros, issued by the Directorate General of Immigration and volunteering, to develop activities with the immigrant population.
This aid is part of an overall investment of approximately two million euros financed by the Ministry, the Autonomous Community of Murcia and the City Council to develop programs to help immigrants.
With this contribution, develop social service activities aimed at strengthening primary care services (social workers and educators) as very high number of people accessing social services through this system.
In addition, it develops a large number of educational projects, such as extra tuition for immigrant children, the Summer Schools and Children's Activities Project, designed to promote the full integration of immigrant children in the host society.
These actions take place in neighborhoods and districts of the municipality.
This section also allocate resources to combat truancy and encourage teens to join top-cycle studies.
It also offered training activities and aimed at finding employment for adults.
Another line of work of this program is the host of immigrants.
In this area the City is working with social organizations as Rasinet, Murcia Welcomes, Caritas, Jesus Dropped and CEPAIM, in order that the immigrants may have reception centers and apartments.
In addition, there are activities for social integration of leisure conducted in collaboration with the Department of Youth and Employment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia