The University of Murcia has organized a seminar on patents in the food industry to be held tomorrow, day 19 in the Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Campus de Espinardo.
The speaker will be Mary Rose Hill, a graduate in Chemistry and Science and Food Technology, who offered his lecture from 12:30.
This seminar is part of the line of activities that the Research develops along the course to encourage applications for registration and legal protection of knowledge generated by scientific and technological research activities of the University.
On the other hand, José Cernicharo, Institute of Structure of Matter National Research Council held tomorrow, day 19, a conference in the General Classroom Building Campus Espinardo.
Cernicharo speak at this conference, which starts at 12.30 hours, on "Interstellar Chemistry."
Finally, José Angel García de Cortázar, Professor of Medieval History at the University of Cantabria, will speak tomorrow, 19 on "The twelfth century: in the medieval threshold of a change of mentality and sensibility" in the Archaeological Museum of Lorca.
Will be at 20:00.
Source: UMU