Is provided an inventory of flora, botanical signaling route, developing a botanical guide and create tours for bird watching
The residents of the City of Murcia actively participate in a program in Environmental Volunteer Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA) Monte El Valle, and saws Altaona and Escalona, launched by the Department of Environment and Urban Quality, directed by Adela Martinez-cache.
Among the activities under this initiative is conducting awareness lectures in parishes and field trips so that neighbors know firsthand the reality of the SPA
On the talk will explain to the public the importance of the existence of protected areas for species conservation, with special emphasis on bird conservation and volunteer groups will be formed to plan and develop environmental awareness actions and conservation.
Field activities will consist of inventories of flora, to know the botanical diversity of the municipal property, the signs of a botanical path that allows visitors to the area know some of the plant species in the environment, developing a botanical guide to collect these species, and the observation and identification of birds by conducting tours.
The ultimate goal of this campaign is to create a stable group of volunteers consisting of 20 to 25 people in the area and looking to the future.
This initiative aims to involve residents of the hamlets of Avileses, Bath & Pauper, Canadas de San Pedro, Corvera, and Truyols Gea, Los Martínez del Puerto, La Murta, Sucina and Valladolises in achieving improvement and conservation actions the environment in the SPA, especially in city-owned land.
This campaign is part of the actions promoted by the Foundation Board for the Protection Cluster and Conservation of the Mar Menor and the activities related to the environment, taking place in the Mar Menor and its area of influence.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia