Guided tours and workshops for schoolchildren
About 3,300 visitors have been won by exposure exaltata Novissima Prisca on the third anniversary of the seal of the city.
The City Museum has organized guided tours in groups and workshops for school.
1,758 people visited the exhibition individually, 1,223 people visited the exhibition as part of 62 groups led by museum staff, and 312 students of the municipality participated in the workshop aimed at primary and secondary schools with the aim of bringing students the history and characteristics of the shield of the city.
In addition, the Museum made a guide in pdf format, I submit to colleges and secondary schools to work on the visit to the exhibition.
The exhibition opened on May 14 for the Festival Murcia Tres Culturas and pretended to be a trip back in time 300 years to know the origin of the coat of Murcia, in 1709, evolution, meaning of the motto, manuscripts of the time and buildings where the stone shield.
The exhibition closed on October 30.
The shield was completed by King Felipe V in 1709.
At that time, the coat was made up of five titles he gave to Murcia Alfonso X in 1266 and added another crown to Peter I in 1361, in addition to the fringe of lions and castles.
With this gesture the two monarchs were grateful to the city their loyalty and support.
In 1709 the city council and his deputies asked the King to grant the shield of the city a new royal crown on a lion and a lily together, as a distinction for the help he received from the city in the War of Succession.
These three new elements are joined by the motto 'Prisca Novissima exaltata, et amor' whose translation would be "the old crown granted last crown uplifts and love (which is defined as the last old loves to exalt love)."
Love the motto of the shield refers to the love that Murcia was always offered to the monarchs.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia