Moncho Fernandez was appearing this morning at a press conference to discuss his upcoming clash of Sunday (12:30 pm; 7RM) against Meridian Center Modernization of Alicante.
Over his rival, the coach acknowledged that it seemed "a good team."
"It followed the formula that has made many teams, that is, keep the base which has helped to raise the LEB and the reinforcements in certain positions.
I think they've done well, "he added.
Also, Moncho admitted that "it is an important game because we come from the best run possible.
It is clear that right now, the need for victory immediately makes the game is unimportant, no doubt. "
And, besides, "it is clear that they have won both games against Suzuki and White Wheel and come to very good match in Madrid."
With regard to the preseason games, where in both the CB Murcia was victorious, the preparer Compostela commented that "these references are not worth much, what counts is what you do in the league."
In this sense, the opponent is above the league table "can be viewed in two ways: they have double the wins than us or more ... and the two statements are true."
On the other hand, Fernandez nodded, "I've spoken to all the players."
"I think we have to think about what happened to us in Manchester and what we did in other areas at certain times.
It is clear that we must be aware that you can win or lose, but there are ways and competitiveness can not miss us ever.
In Malaga there is a point where practically we give up, we let go hoping that this nightmare is over and we do not can happen, "he said.
As for the difficulties that the staff has experienced in the work sessions this week, coach CB Murcia corroborated that "we are physically having a lot of problems and all the result of bad luck, because they are traumatic injuries, not muscle. "
"Yesterday was unable to train Peter Robles with a sprained ankle, and Tomas Delininkaitis, by a coup that ushered in the groin, which are totally unexpected and are part of the game but does us harm.
Faverani with fasciitis, Chris Moss is played by tendinitis in his Achilles tendon that almost makes you go limp ... That makes us much harm, because in the end what remains is competing this weekend, but you have to train to be in a good shape and especially to train as a group.
Paulão also coached the first two days by a blow on his right forearm and against that you have nothing to do, but we do much damage, not only in physical appearance, but also tactical "detailing.
Finally, the technician ran Compostela heartfelt words to the fans: "For all of us, coaches and players must be proud that people have responded to this initiative by the club, I think very successful.
It is clear that people are going to make a big effort, more than 200 fans traveling to Alicante, and must serve as a spur greater still, part of the motivation that we must have the intrinsic of each party, for which 200 of us come to Alicante, which from what I read is one of the most important journeys in recent seasons, hopefully that will help us further.
I want to thank you in advance and, above all, to see if we can dedicate victory to finish the game, because they deserve it. "
Source: CB Murcia