The New Bridge Esplanade Place de la Cruz Roja de Murcia hosts an exhibition of art vehicles and alternative energy for transportation of passengers until Friday
The President of the Autonomous Community, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, today inaugurated the "National Week XX Coach and Bus', which involved more than 500 professionals and 30 national and international speakers, from Latin America, India and China.
This conference, held at the Hotel Nelva de Murcia until next Friday, are the most traditional biennial event of the passenger transport sector in Spain, and aim to improve and promote public transport through the management review business and quality of services.
This sector, as highlighted the president, is vital to the economy of the region and in Spain, and which employs over 80,000 people in Spain.
The congress will take place over six work sessions in which presenters, general managers of several communities of Transportation and the Ministry of Development political representatives related to transportation commissions of the Congress of Deputies and the Parliament, and delegates Fenebús territorial associations, discuss the present and future of the sector.
During the first working session, chaired by the Minister of Public Works and Planning, José Ballesta, has addressed the promotion of public transport use through the establishment of platforms aside as a way to improve the timeliness of routes and reduce the lowest energy consumption of public transport, resulting in environmental benefits and reducing traffic in cities
Sustainable transport and deployment of new technologies to improve information services to citizens of the topics will be other players in the 'XX Week Coach and Bus', as the rules of Passenger Transport during the Spanish presidency European Union in 2010.
A reference citation
The 'XX Week Coach and Bus' is a reference event for entrepreneurs in the sector of public transport which started in Vigo in 1970 and has traveled to Seville, Torremolinos, Zaragoza, Sintra (Portugal) Palma de Mallorca and Sitges, among others.
In this edition, which first welcomed the Region of Murcia, held a panel dedicated to international business opportunities for Spanish companies in international markets that will be attended by representatives from India, China and several Latin American countries.
Exhibition of green buses
After the opening ceremony of the "National Week XX Coach and Bus', the Minister of Public Works and Land Management today opened the first exhibition organized by Fenebús clean buses and the regional government, which brings new prototypes and electric models next-generation hybrids.
The exhibition, which can be seen until next Friday on the esplanade of the new bridge from the Place de la Cruz Roja de Murcia, will make a review of the history of buses in Spain.
In addition to the latest models, the exhibition includes the oldest bus in the region.
This is the "Bus" Grandfather ", a vehicle produced in 1932 by the American brand Dodge.
Also, visitors can experience the latest technology in the service of a new mobility culture founded on sustainability and energy conservation, something of great importance for the future of public transport in the region.
Among the different vehicles for urban and suburban transport noted for its environmental innovations, deserves special mention is the hybrid bus 'Ideas 1', a prototype 12-meter which decreases the emission of gaseous pollutants by 25 to 33 percent thanks to the electrical energy produced during braking is stored by your engine, so that does not connect or recharge in the network.
The Spanish art also occupies a protagonist in the exposure of a national hybrid vehicle design, electric drive and power generation on board.
Source: CARM