Unión Progreso y Democracia welcomes the establishment of the police unit dedicated to avoid the "graffiti" in the municipality.
The officers of this unit will perform, as the city of Murcia, a photographic archive of graffiti in the city to identify matches and to punish more offenders.
Penalties amounting to 30 Euros to 12,000 Euros and even jail if they damage heritage.
However, since UPyD, we question the effectiveness of the sanction.
We therefore propose alternatives, such as the obligation of the offender to clean the surface where graffiti has been made illegal.
People who use graffiti as a weapon to destroy the heritage of all and distort our city should repair the damage done to the city, it is a problem to tackle urban vandalism.
Moreover, "we believe this is a social and educational problem that requires a focus not only through the prism police" says the local Committee of UPyD Murcia.
Therefore, we also request the City of Murcia space for alternative culture, and make available spaces and activities that allow for this form of modern art, graffiti, within a legal framework.
We share the effort of the City of Murcia in the fight against graffiti vandalism and to show our support.
But criticize that the Popular Party, current government, forget about social problems and engage only demonize these uncivil citizens.
Source: Comité local de Murcia de UPyD