The Government of Spain funds in the two districts 6 works for an aggregate of 1.2 million euros and create 68 new jobs
The Government delegate was the installation of underground refuse containers in 139 parts of the municipality, with an investment of 5.7 million
The Government delegate, Rafael González Tovar, this afternoon visited projects financed entirely by the Local Investment Fund in the districts of Javalí New and Old Javalí the municipality of Murcia.
The delegate explained that in both locations were being carried out 6 projects valued at 1,247,877 euros and are creating 68 jobs.
González Tovar continued thus, with the routes held by the various districts of the municipality of Murcia for direct monitoring of the implementation status of projects under the State Fund.
–ha señalado el delegado-
to see first hand the actions that the Government of Spain is paying for and hear the views of residents on these projects. "
The delegate of the Government has confirmed that the works of the State Fund are meeting the primary objective of the State Fund, job creation, but also are helping to improve infrastructure and facilities of the municipality.
"The City of Murcia has had full autonomy to present the project and chose the actions deemed most necessary, at the same time, the Government of Spain is fully financed all the works," said González Tovar.
In this regard, he recalled that the City of Murcia has a total of 121 projects amounting to 74,841,430 euros and generating 3,345 jobs, of which 902 are newly created and 2443 of persons within enterprises.
New Javalí
The state works being undertaken in this parish are:
- The
pavimentación de calzadas y aceras
5-streets of the town, amounting to 146,000 euros and the creation of 19 jobs.
- The
remodelación del Jardín de Poniente , con acondicionamiento del terreno, vallado, nuevas redes de riego, pavimentación de caminos e instalación de elementos recreativos, mobiliario y plantaciones, por valor 237.319 euros y 4 empleos.
- La
installation of artificial turf
en el campo de fútbol, por un importe de 294.810 euros y 10 empleos.
- Y la
adaptation and improvement of the Segura River Public School, for an amount of EUR 135,686 and 22 jobs.
In this case, the works involve the rehabilitation of the housing, the adequacy of the firm floor and patio, the adequacy of pavements and firm at the entrance to the building of Children, the adequacy of pavements, drainage firm in this building and finally, installation of protective safeguard fingers in doors and installation of built-aerator faucets.
Old Javalí
In this hamlet, the government delegate visited the works of installing artificial turf on the football field involving an investment of 292,060 euros and the creation of 10 new jobs.
Similarly, the delegation also visited two works belonging to joint projects of the municipality.
In particular, the renewal and improvement of public lighting in various streets of Old Javalí New Javalí and installation of various
contenedores de basuras soterrados .
Esta última obra se está desarrollando en 139 puntos de todo el municipio y cuenta con una inversión estatal de 5.738.000 euros.
Al respecto, González Tovar ha aclarado que “ la instalación de 139 puntos de contenedores de basura soterrados supone, en un solo año, multiplicar por cinco todos los existentes hasta ahora en el municipio de Murcia â€.
El Fondo Estatal de Inversión Local al día
Finalmente, González Tovar ha señalado que el Fondo Estatal de Inversión Local
"Is meeting the objectives of boosting the economy, job creation and improvement of local infrastructure, particularly in the construction sector, being the hardest hit by the crisis."
So far we have funded 70 percent of the total of 671 projects, which has led to 167,016,741 euros.
With respect to the payment of 30 per cent end, will be made once the work finished and worth the investment to the Ministry of Land Policy.
In this sense, González Tovar reported that already are 48 projects in the municipalities of Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca, Beniel, Calasparra, Lorquí, Totana, Mula, La Union, Santomera and Ceuta have been completed and received by the Ministry of Territorial Policy of the total transfer amount.
In terms of employment created, it has been 13,193 jobs, of which 4,483 are newly created and 8,710 people involved on the companies that have done the work.
The Government delegate pointed out that the jobs created so far represent 51 percent over initial estimates.
At this time, much of the work is nearing completion which has a deadline of December 31, although an extension will be accepted up to three months provided it is for reasons attributable to the development of the work.
Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia