The Department of Art History at the University of Murcia, directed by Professor Jesús Rivas Carmona, a seminar devoted to the analysis of aesthetic ideas of the Baroque, which also served as inaugural session of the course.
The seminar, which has had the participation of several professors of the Department and universities in Valladolid and Madrid, has examined issues such as architecture and urbanism, Baroque, Spanish Baroque sculpture and imafronte of the Cathedral of Murcia.
On the other hand, within the Open Opera Course VII, held in collaboration with the Gran Teatro del Liceo de Barcelona, tomorrow, day 10, there will be live coverage of the work "Krol Roger" by Karol Szymanowski which may be followed in the Graduate Hall School of Law, at 20:00.
Finally, Professor Juan Lorenzo Lorenzo, Professor of Latin Philology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, will offer today, March 9, a lecture at the Aula "Antonio Soler" on "Literaturización of rhetoric."
The event, which starts at 19:00 pm, is organized by the Section of Murcia of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies, directed by Professor Maria Consuelo Álvarez.
Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Juanchi López