State agencies CSIC, CEBAS, AEMET, Geological Institute, retching, and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography presented at the fair
THE CSIC celebrates the International Year of Astronomy with a full-scale model of the probe sent to Mars Beagle 2
This morning the government delegate in the Region of Murcia, Rafael González Tovar visited the fair in the Week of Science and Technology in the Region of Murcia which is held simultaneously across Europe, and aims to bring science to audiences of all ages, to stimulate the taste for scientific knowledge and encourage participation of citizens in scientific issues through initiatives informative and entertaining.
González Tovar explained that the Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), supports and coordinates a statewide Science Week 2009 and in our region offers 40,000 euros for development thereof.
The Government delegate explained that the Science Week is a European initiative supported by the Ministry of Education and Science with the involvement of the Autonomous Communities and the participation of a large number of public and private entities.
In total, our country, recalled González Tovar, are scheduled more than 2,000 outreach.
He also noted that the Programme of Scientific Culture and Innovation 2009, managed by the FECYT through the Call for Aid Program endowed with € 4.4 million has funded over 90 projects of scientific and outreach activities Innovation to be held during Science Week 2009.
Specifically, the Region of Murcia, this program funded with 166,000 euros various outreach activities, including those highlighted by the Week of Science and Technology 2009 in Cartagena (35,000 euros), the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (20,000 euros), the Project for the dissemination of national TV Technology (20,000 euros), Science and Culture Creativity (20,000 euros), plus this week in Science and Technology in the Region of Murcia.
González Tovar has devoted part of his visit to know the stands exposed in the Week of Science and Technology by state agencies that place in it.
- The Spanish Agency of Meteorology (AEMET) shows various meteorological instruments giving details of its operation, from the classical to the checkpoint past weather observing systems including radiosonde equipment.
Also allows access from the intranet AEMET, and the latest weather forecasts for public use.
Finally shown in different panels about the climate of the Murcia Region and recent projects in which the Provincial Delegation active.
- Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME) in two sets models stand on the functioning of aquifers, screen projections of informative documentaries Piquet, Gaia, Planet Earth and Ploppy and laptops available in interactive games on groundwater and mineral resources, which are ultimately aimed at spreading knowledge of the subsoil and raise awareness about the preservation of natural resources, in this case water and minerals.
Also exposed different artwork on natural resources, the Mining Museum and updating of the geological mapping of the region.
Also reported on the activities of IGME and displays the most relevant documents prepared by the Institute on various topics related to the region: mineral water, geology, geological hazards, hydrogeology, atlas of the physical environment or seismotectonic neotectonics.
- The National Museum of Underwater Archaeology (ARQUA) shows various information panels of the museum and The documentary The Phoenician boat Mazarrón, with which it wants to bring the underwater archaeological heritage to the general public.
It is also envisaged in the smaller ones can enjoy a stroll to discover the secrets of underwater archeology and complete a logbook, which is designed for the occasion.
Finally, you can pick up at the booth Science Card allows free entry to the Museum in Cartagena until 15 November.
- The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), developed in their activities stand to bring society Murcia oceanography as a tool for understanding the marine environment.
These activities are especially aimed at children and youth, so that will be fun activities, in describing the oceanographic research in a way that excites and provokes future oceanographers.
Will run a workshop on drawing and coloring of marine organisms and other environmental education.
Also posters and panels are exposed to research activities and aquariums where they are kept four plant species growing and horses del Mar Menor.
- The Center of Soil Science and Applied Biology Segura (CEBAS-CSIC), presented his scientific activity through an interactive game for children and youth presented by CEBASITO.
This game, titled land and the field to the stomach, is a journey on the activities of research groups CEBAS-CSIC illustrated with examples of experiments, equipment and material for clarity.
Among the top teams is a rainfall simulator and erosion, a laboratory microscope, a model that simulates the function of a plant and the different irrigation systems or a shelf for vertical hydroponic vegetable crop.
Furthermore, we also organize four workshops: A garden at home, recycle our organic waste, how to advance the desert and healthy sweets preparation and measurement of pH of beverages.
- Finally, new this year, the State Agency Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) is participating for the first time with two stands, the first of more generic and institutional framework and the second Astrobiology Center, mixed between the CSIC and National Institute of Aerospace Technology.
Indeed, we celebrate the International Year of Astronomy the exhibition is completed with a selection of the exhibition The Universe, yours to discover with photos.
It has been brought to this, a full-scale model of Beagle 2 probe that NASA sent to Mars in 2003 and also made a workshop Criomagmatismo.
This workshop aims to simulate how volcanoes generation satellites in the outer solar system planets and giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, whose satellites are made of different ice chemistry, not only water but carbon dioxide methane or ammonia.
Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia