The Aquarium of the University of Murcia has launched a new website to bring the activities concerned are carried out on it, and the main lines of research and conservation developed in the campus.
The new website allows us to know some of the most representative species that inhabit each of the aquarium tanks and includes information on the possibility of visiting the pavilion located at the former artillery barracks.
Also, is scheduled to install a webcam to see live the life of fish and other species that inhabit the aquarium.
The Aquarium of the University's main objectives are to educate and develop conservation programs and recovery of endangered species.
In this sense, has managed to reproduce in captivity a species as threatened as the seahorse del Mar Menor.
Faithfully reproduces the aquarium ecosystem of the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific and Caribbean Sea, as well as his surroundings, the Mediterranean Sea.
Source: Universidad de Murcia