The Deputy Mayor of Finance, Joaquin Moya-Angeles, has said this morning that the PSOE "returns to manipulate data at will" in this case with the collection of traffic violations.
Moya-Angeler wanted to clarify that the revenue for traffic violations in the municipality in 2008 is comparable to that produced in 2005, so it is completely untrue, and the PSOE is aware of this, that since Popular Party base our economic management in raising revenue. "
The head of the Treasury has also targeted the collection of the City of Murcia for traffic violations has been maintaining the same amount since 2004.
In this sense, Moya-Angeler reminded the socialist municipal group between 2006 and 2007 there was a decline driven by the sit-down strike of the local police in Murcia.
Angeler Moya said that since the government team's Party in the city of Murcia itself to work with real data and facts, and an example is the aid which, in these times of crisis, we are offering to Murcia.
As announced yesterday by the Mayor of Murcia, Miguel Ángel Cámara, Moya-Angeler recalled that the long-term unemployed attached Temporary Protection Program and Integration Unemployment residing in the municipality will have to pay a premium rate drinking water next year.
This "social tariff" which is incorporated the next year is added to the current force, of which 3,000 families will benefit many, in 2009 acceded to the special rate-23% more than in 2010 will save about 30 euros on the overall price.
Also, 4,300 pensioners will enjoy these grants, allowing them to save more than 73 euros.
This bonus also must add the specific grant program for families qualifying for Temporary Unemployment Protection and Integration.
In this case, have subsidized the payment of Property Tax to 125 euros, approximately 50% of the average value of the receipts.
These two new bonuses attached to it had already launched the Popular Party, represent more than 17.5 million that the City provide the resources to help large families, pensioners, disabled, etc..
Without a doubt, has highlighted Moya-angels, are measures that are intended to Murcia is a city of solidarity and in these difficult times we can all help, so from the Task Popular Party government encouraged the Central Government to undertake similar initiatives. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia