Murcia University again this year in addition to the VII Olympiad Outreach Study, an initiative that allows the efforts of students becomes euros dedicated to causes related to cooperation in needy countries.
An hour of study is a euro.
So simple is the approach of this initiative in which various public and private companies contribute € 1 for every hour of study spent by young people to study in classrooms equipped for it.
The Olympics, step by step
The initiative was presented on Wednesday November 4 in the Board Room of the Chancellor of the University of Murcia, where Mercedes Gascó Membrillera Gomez, Institute of Community Development, explained that there are two computers in the study rooms at the University of Murcia which disclose the development of the Olympics in real time.
For his part, Elena Oliva, Co said this year the initiative will be included in a drawing competition, with the slogan "Draw your supportive calls," try to find an image that reflects the spirit of the activity and encourage participation.
Oliva added that the activity has been designated this year as one of the most innovative European solidarity on issues, and expressed his hope that this year will reach 20,000 hours of study deMurcia solidarity in the region.
José Andrés Olmos Castelo, of the Department of Prevention and Fire Fighting, Civil Defence and Development Cooperation of the Municipality of Murcia, said young people aware of the needs of certain countries and cooperate in their development are the two main motivations that drive the City of Murcia in participating in this project.
To Inmaculada Moreno, Deputy Director of Education and Academic Promotion, this activity raises awareness among youth about solidarity, effort and cooperation and contribute to education in values.
Finally, Francisco Guillermo Díaz Baños, Vice Chancellor of University Extension, University of Murcia, stressed the "interest and importance of a highly innovative project which has the virtue of linking education with the cooperation" and said the University does not can not be related to an initiative like this.
An effort funded development projects
Study The Olympics allows young students to become supportive.
His effort translates into money that will help fund various development projects, aimed at disadvantaged young South related to education and vocational training.
This is to see students who, through their efforts, they may engage in international cooperation projects and contribute directly to making the world more interdependent.
400 students from the first edition to 23,000 in the last
The initiative, which began in Logroño in 2003 and brought together 436 students from the city, has gained greater proportions year after year to exceed the 23,000 participants in the 2008 edition.
The hours of study, translated into euros have also been climbing so relentless, having spent five thousand euros in the first edition to the 252,000 of 2008.
This year 2009 is expected to join this initiative, over 300 study rooms in 15 countries, which are in addition to Spain, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Slovenia, Brazil, Costa Ivory, Burundi and Kenya.
How to participate
Students interested in participating should give the data to the volunteers in charge of each room, which they entered in the Olympics, and we will deliver your passport to study in solidarity to keep track of the hours and the euro made its study.
Once registered they will have to decide how long you are studying, and the volunteer will give the corresponding paper money, which must enter into a ballot box once sealed by him and verified the hours of study.
Source: Universidad de Murcia