The City has invested in recent years over 2.3 million euros for fleet renewal
The City of Murcia has five new vehicles to the Panel of Public Safety Local Police.
Currently these vehicles are being adapted by installing the necessary equipment to make them available to this group.
These vehicles are prepared for rapid response in situations of public safety.
The five vehicles are HDI 2000 Citroen Jumpy and have special protection in the windscreen, and pilot lights, sliding doors with a system that maintains and ensures the open position and moons protected polycarbonate lenses to prevent breakage.
They also have 6 seats, with the rear spinning and the floor is highly resistant non-slip rubber.
In addition, these special vehicles are screened compartment, clubs, shears, reflective vests, fender and siren, among other things.
The Governing Board has approved an investment of more than 65,000 euros to bring the vans to its function.
These five vehicles are added to the 29 new vehicles were added to the local police earlier this year, with the aim of further improving the ways to foster an ever better service to citizens.
The City has invested more than 2.3 million in the last four years for the renewal of the fleet of local police.
The Police fleet has more than 300 vehicles.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia