The University of Murcia has been scheduled for the 4th and 5th of November, "Caldum Days," a free software conference to be held in the auditorium of the School of Computing from 9:00 pm.
The conference, which are part of the Strategic Plan of the institution, are aimed at all audiences and are intended to present solutions in the free software applied to teaching and research.
Will present the most important projects of national free software, such as the MORPHEUS project, which promotes free software in business R & D + i, OWASP, about Web application security, TCOS, which is light systems, and Brutalix, which allows the management of computer rooms and other free programs such as Asterisk, GIT, Grass GIS and RedIRIS.
The event is free, upon registration, and students of the Faculty of Informatics participate may apply for recognition of free credits.
Source: Universidad de Murcia