The Councillor for Housing, Transport and Trade, Antonio Castillo, participates in Madrid on the 6 th Meeting of Municipal Markets Retailers.
About 500 technicians, policy makers in governments and municipalities, trade associations, small businesses and people in the markets come together in this national meeting, held today and tomorrow.
The aim is to discuss the present and the future of over a thousand local markets operating in the country.
The conference has been inaugurated by the Minister of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Elena Espinosa.
The theme of this meeting is' Trade vivo.
Living Spaces' and will face issues including the implementation of technological and management solutions to markets, positioning of retail municipal markets Observatory retail prices, the new economic scenario and the response of the consumer, new consumer habits The revitalization of the marketing chain, the creation and management of new municipal markets and logistics processes.
The sessions will receive their prizes awarded to the best Mercasa business initiatives related to municipal markets.
In the municipality of Murcia there are eight municipal markets are the Veronicas, Saavedra Fajardo, El Carmen, San Andres, Vistabella and in the districts of Espinardo, La Alberca and Cabeza de Torres.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia