The Ministry of Agriculture and Water released this week to a booted eagle, a kestrel and a Little Owl in their natural environment after passing through the Recovery Centre for Wildlife 'El Valle'.
The eagle is an adult female who was admitted to the Center on August 29 after being found in the town of Mula with a broken wing caused by a gunshot.
The sample was delivered by the Civil Guard said staff Recovery Center, who dispensed with the necessary care.
The release took place in the Sierra de Altaona.
Law 42/2007 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, adopted special measures for the conservation of habitat for this species to ensure their survival and reproduction in their area of distribution.
The owl and kestrel European individuals were found by mid-October in the municipalities of Cartagena and Abanilla.
The first was treated for trichomoniasis, a parasitic disease that affects the upper digestive tract.
The second had several injuries have been caught in a fence.
Both copies were released in the Campo de Cartagena.
At the Center for Wildlife Recovery 'El Valle' admitted each year between 1,000 and 1,200 animals (birds, reptiles and mammals, among others), which fully recover between 60 and 70 percent.
Source: CARM